Sunday, October 12, 2008

Latest of the FANtab. . .




So, Auburn has been added to the collection. I'm currently finishing up my Florida and Florida State lovelies. The last picture isn't the greatest but Kooper wouldn't hold still (SHOCKER). We made mini trophy cups for the soccer team because the Silver teams ROCKS! Karson, the Fairness Cop, of course asked where the cups were for the yellow, orange, blue, green, and red teams? Sorry honey. . .this momma just barely had time to fit in the 9 for your team. The boys were very helpful (HA) in getting the ribbons on the cups!!!!! I think I was the only one who suffered any burns from the glue gun, thankfully!
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Gift to myself


After seeing SO many of these all over the blogosphere, I had to make one myself. I don't do things in small quantities though. Shopping, cooking, crafting, children. . .I pack in as much as I can possibly handle! So why settle for making one star when I ordered 8?

The result. . .well, it's still missing a clever name. . . but my front door (yes, I know it needs a dummy handle) likes them and I do too. Mod Podge, paper and ribbons my friends. EASY!
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Friday, September 26, 2008


I love this word. I love these cups. I first saw the idea on Over The Tipsy Top with the Tipsy Gals. They have the best ideas for all things glitter. They do amazing diva style cups. I decided we needed to glam up the world of female football fans here in the south. Are these not the PERFECT big game accessory? One for each girl in a sorority! Need one? Email me.

Currently in stock: Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Auburn, Kentucky, Florida, Florida State.

Available soon: TWILIGHT CUPS. . .a must have for all your girlfriends to see the movie in November!

One More Change

My "Sew Chic" blog felt a little confining to me. Hence the change to this one! Now I can make ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I've got several new projects in the works and can't wait to post. Once I find a working USB cord! Kutter got it in his mouth today and it's a little bent. His 4 teeth are MONSTERS!